1st round fired by 143rd FA BN Kumsong, Korea 14 January 1952
143rd Officers enroute to Korea aboard the USS Gen Meigs March 1951.
1st row L to R Olson, Oakes, Gleason, Masterton, & Leff.
2nd row DeContreras, Nixon, Blanton, Steelman, Clinton, Cockrum, & Beaudry.
3rd row Pacifico, Abts, Kalkiewicz, Longfellow, Valentine, Bender, Franklin, Appelin, Beck, Reiland, & Clark. The Gen Meigs is now a Carribean coral reef.
143rd ARMD FA BN. Summer Field Training "40th Armored Division"
Hunter Liggett Military Reservation - Jolon, California August 1954
Bob Reiland had to take over as Bn CO because CO & Exec. had family emergencies.
This photo was taken from an OP in Kumhwa area. The huge hill in the center was named "Papa-Sahn" (Hill 747) it was the Chinese OP -- looking down our throats!
Pass in Review taken at Hunter-Liggett, 1955
Taken Jan 1952 from my OP at 143rd/160th first position in Kumsong, Korea
Trenches seen from an OP (May 1952) at 143rd second position Kumhwa ("Iron Triangle").
ON THE HILL was taken during Service Practice at Hunter-Liggett about 1955.
PARADE was taken as we paraded in Santa Monica 1949. Leading is Maj. Dee J. Valentine, 2nd rank -- L to R is Exec. O. Maj. Maurice T.("Bull") Chandler; S-3, Maj. Wheeler J. Morrison (L.A. cop!); Capt. John Clark, Ass't. S-3. In 3rd rank is (then) 2nd Lt. Bob Reiland, Bn Survey Off. marching directly behind Capt. Clark.