The next group of photos were sent in by Bob Reiland.

1st round fired by 143rd FA BN Kumsong, Korea 14 January 1952
143rd Officers enroute to Korea aboard the USS Gen Meigs March 1951.
1st row L to R Olson, Oakes, Gleason, Masterton, & Leff.
2nd row DeContreras, Nixon, Blanton, Steelman, Clinton, Cockrum, & Beaudry.
3rd row Pacifico, Abts, Kalkiewicz, Longfellow, Valentine, Bender, Franklin, Appelin, Beck, Reiland, & Clark. The Gen Meigs is now a Carribean coral reef.

143rd ARMD FA BN. Summer Field Training "40th Armored Division"
Hunter Liggett Military Reservation - Jolon, California August 1954
Bob Reiland had to take over as Bn CO because CO & Exec. had family emergencies.

This photo was taken from an OP in Kumhwa area. The huge hill in the center was named "Papa-Sahn" (Hill 747) it was the Chinese OP -- looking down our throats!
Pass in Review taken at Hunter-Liggett, 1955

Taken Jan 1952 from my OP at 143rd/160th first position in Kumsong, Korea
Trenches seen from an OP (May 1952) at 143rd second position Kumhwa ("Iron Triangle").

ON THE HILL was taken during Service Practice at Hunter-Liggett about 1955.
PARADE was taken as we paraded in Santa Monica 1949. Leading is Maj. Dee J. Valentine, 2nd rank -- L to R is Exec. O. Maj. Maurice T.("Bull") Chandler; S-3, Maj. Wheeler J. Morrison (L.A. cop!); Capt. John Clark, Ass't. S-3. In 3rd rank is (then) 2nd Lt. Bob Reiland, Bn Survey Off. marching directly behind Capt. Clark.