Fort Sill, Oklahoma 1952
Fort Sill, Oklahoma Training 1952
Welcome to Korea
B Battery flag
Lt. Joseph A. Fant Battery Commander
1st day in Korea on train to 40th 1953
Lt W. Webb, Audie Murphy cousin
Sgt Bernard Zelenek '53
Old timers in the Punch Bowl
Smoke Valley 1953 Saturday Inspection
Cpl. Clanton E. Dunagan
1stSgt Richard Smart '53
Carroll, Kim, Young
Porgizelski, Lamanski
Cpl. Kullik
Melton, Casey '53
Cpl Munster, Weiskopf 53
All cleaned up SV 1953
Smoke Valley 1953
Cleaning up after firing all night
Blackie - Battery mascot
A busy Smoke Valley night in July '53
Joe, McKinney, Kim
Morris Casey - Gunner
July 27, 53 CEASE FIRE
Josper, Kathy, Plants
Baker Battery
Smoke Valley
Smoke Valley 1953
Have guitar, will travel
Morris Casey - Smoke Valley 1953
Laundry day at the 143rd
Village market near the 143rd
Slapak, Kime, Basler, Lt. Bartlett
Aiming circle stand, Chorwon Valley 1954 Sign reads as follows -
The Great White Father has naught to fear as long as he has Grenadier.....
Grenadier You see will lose no bets,
They've got Gremlin hence no sweat....
now in Gremlin the Greatest there's no guess, Forever and always, it's Baker the Best
Gun Section #2 Back row L to R
Elliott, Sgt Maurice Vandergon, Pridget, Korean Sgt.
Front - Katusa, Carroll, Katusa and Andrews
Chief of Firing Battery 143rd Baker
Battery. Morris R. Casey, Cpl 1954
Casey, Jasper 1954
Sgt Casey and Cpl Robert Olsen
Vandergon, Casey - Chorwon 1954
Carroll, Casey - Chorwon 1954
Casey, Castleberry - Building bunkers
Chorwon 1954
Chorwon 1954
Casey laying in howitzers
Casey, Dillon - Chorwon 1954
Felice Orsini, M. Casey, Robert Kime
Fussaro, Casey - Chorwon 1954
Casey, Dockter
Back - Dockler, Eddinger, Braden, Katusa. Front - Adams, Maldonaldo, Tony Han, Papa San
Gun Section #1 henry Stokely, Casarella, Bernard Suhamski, manuel Munoz0Arroyo, Sgt Leroy Smith
Yong Dong Po 1954
Game of hoops - Chorwon March 1954
A group of C Battery guys in the 143rd area
Casey, Vandergon, Hults, Scott 1954
Alternate Postion Chorwon 1954
Gun Section #3 Back row L to R -
Dockter, Sgt Tony Han, John Pridgett, Braden, Pappy Adams. Front - ?, Eddinger, Sgt James Castleberry, ?, Stokley
Maurice Vandergon, Ronald Barney, Harry Smith, Herman Brockschmidt, Feloce Orsini, Front - Sidney Persson
Battery CO and his dog in front of Baker
Watching a basketball game
?, Garner, 3 Katsusa, Orvil, Dockter
Cpl's Melton, Slapak, Kimak
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105 Howitzer Chorwon Valley 1954
High angle Chorwon Valley 1954
Cpl Robert "Bob" Kime FDC section
Pfc Basler FDC section
Spinks, Casey, Garcia
Sgt Scott and Cpl Melton - chow time
USO show Chorwon Valley
Rivera, Sgt McKinney, ??
Exhibition for Air Force & Navy
Syngman Rhee Citation 1954
Syngman Rhee, Presidential Citataion
Syngman Rhee Pres. Citation
Citation to 143rd from CG of 12th ROK Div
Japanese Government money
SFC Morris R. Casey
Display board for Morris Casey
Maurice Vandergon family 1963 Casey and Vandergon kids