12th ROK Letter of Appreciation
The following is the Letter of Appreciation that the the Commanding General of the 12th Republic of Korea (ROK) Division presented to the 143rd FA.
12th ROK Division
21 June 1953
SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation
TO: Officers and men, 143rd FA Battalion
1. It is my great pleasure and honor to express my graditude and appreciation for your exceptionally meritorious performance of duty since you were placed as supporting artillery for this Division on 3rd Feb. 1953. You have successfully overcome many difficulties and obsticlesand have contributed much by your efforts, in our fight against a common foe of our peoples.
2. You have displayed an outstanding example of Artillery - Infantry teams in action particually during the period of 1 to 9 June, 1953 when this Division was heavily engaged by the enemy. Your cooperation and coordination with us in repelling the enemy attack is a worth while examplefor all armies to follow and well illuminates the spirit of mutual cooperationbetween the Republic of Korea Army and the United States fighting forces.
3. I, hereby, giveyou this letter of appreciationto show my fellingtowards you for job well done.
Brigadier General